System Options
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System Options

System options are system-wide or global settings, and include the following properties:



Crew Timesheets

If enabled then crew timesheets are available. Crew timesheets allow you to quickly record and track time for groups (crews) of employees using a large grid-style timesheet.

Note: You can change the terminology 'Crew' to suit your organization's needs. The Terminology topic has more information.

Crew Mobile App

If Crew Timesheets is enabled you will see the "Mobile App" options link.  Clicking this allows you to specify settings for users of the Pacific Timesheet - Crew mobile app (for iOS and Android).  You can specify the following options:

Data Retention

How long data entered using the mobile app is stored on the mobile device.  The app is designed to operate when there is no network connection and therefore stores crew timesheet and asset data on the mobile device.  When a network connection is available it will synchronize and upload/synchronize any stored data to the cloud system.  Data stored on the mobile device will eventually be purged after the number of days specified for data retention (regardless of whether it has been uploaded or not, though the user will be notified if un-uploaded data is nearing its purge date).

Enabled Leave

Specify which types of leave paycodes (if any) will be recorded on the mobile app.  As the mobile app is designed to work offline, any leave recorded on it will be assumed to be accurate and will therefore erase any potential leave of the same paycode on the cloud system when the crew timesheet is uploaded.  Typically you would allow paycodes like Sick or Per Diem to be recorded on the mobile app.  Scheduled leave like Vacation or Holiday would not generally be recorded on the mobile app as in offline situations the mobile app might not be aware of such scheduled events.

Asset Tracking

If enabled then asset tracking is available. Asset tracking allows the recording of material, equipment and other types of resources used on projects and jobs.

Note: You can change the terminology 'Asset' to suit your organization's needs. The Terminology topic has more information.

Location Tracking

If enabled then employee locations will be tracked as they record their time. Checking the "Location Tracking" checkbox will result in asset tracking being enabled, and a new asset type named "Location" being created. You may still need to enable / disable the "Location" asset type for each appropriate timesheet template (on the System > Templates page).

As employees enter time on their timesheets (or crew leads enter time for crews) a new location entry will be created indicating the location along with a timestamp. Subsequent data entry for the same day will only result in new location entries if the employee's location has changed by more than about 11 meters (36 feet). Locations will be more accurate for devices that have GPS, but a reasonably close location will usually be recorded even using computers/tablets without GPS (depending upon the OS and web browser).

Export File EOL

This setting allows you to specify the type of EOL (End Of Line) character to use when generating text export files, such as CSV (Comma Separated Values) data. What you choose here will depend upon what external applications you wish to integrate with. Most applications support the LF (Line Feed) character. However some Windows applications do require CR+LF (Carriage Return and Line Feed) characters.

Import File Blank Values

Blank number and date values are generally ignored in import files, to avoid accidentally clearing out existing values. You can change this default behavior by choosing the "Don't Ignore Blank Values" option: when this is set a blank date or numeric value in an import file will clear out the appropriate value in the Pacific Timesheet object.

Enabled Currencies

Select which currencies are applicable for you organization. Users will only be able to choose a currency type from the list of enabled currencies. For easiest data entry for your users you should enable as few currency types as possible so they do not have to navigate a long menu of options. Enabling or disabling currencies will not affect any previously entered data: this setting only alters the list of currency types a user can select when entering, say, and expense entry in a local currency.

Picker Button Width

The picker button is the menu button that lets you choose projects, tasks, expenses, etc. on many pages of the application.  When used on pages where real estate is at a premium, such as the Crew Timesheet or Expense Sheet pages, it may be helpful to specify a maximum width in order prevent the page from becoming too wide and unwieldy.  The value you specify is in units of "em", meaning the size of the widest character in the alphabet, e.g. "M" (which is where the name "em" comes from).  So if you specify a value of 20 then you are guaranteed to see at least 20 characters, and generally many more as most characters are not as wide as "M".  If a value is truncated then you can always see the full value by simply clicking the menu button.

Mobile Picker Fields

You can control how much information is displayed in the list of projects, expenses, etc. shown when you search for these items in the mobile client.  You may not want to show the description, for instance, if you prefer to see more items at one time on the screen.